It is no surprise to family and those of you who knew me since I was a child that I am doing
what I am doing. I was the kid on the block that everyone brought the stray and injured pets to, and never turned away
a single one of them. I usually managed to clean them up, get them back on a good diet and find them a good home, and
of course, kept a few along the way. When I got a little older, I kept doing that as well and raising fish and hamsters
and selling them to several pet stores in San Antonio where I grew up. It was not a bad income for a 12 year old!
At 15 we got our first Pomeranian, who I was able to train for the show ring (but unfortunately was disqualified by one pound
too much), breed and, oh yes, a lot of grooming and eventually got 2 more poms to also care for. So, naturally,
when I moved out and got my first job it was, but of course, a pet store. I learned alot there and much of it was
not pleasant - there is a reason they say not to buy dogs and cats from pet stores - so please don't!
I quit shortly after and was left with a bad taste in my mouth for the whole pet trade.
So I went to school full time and became quite a work-a-holic for the next few years, sometimes working 4 jobs at a time,
mostly managing daycare, (one at home and one at the church), delivering pizza, working at the T.V. station on campus and
going to school.
Then when I moved out here to Georgia I came across an ad at a Vet clinic and decided to check
into the 'pet area' again. (I tell you, I was that disturbed at seeing what really goes on at pet stores)
I still kept pets all along and still felt it was in the cards for me. I went in and got hired on the spot - I was thrillled!!
I mostly worked assisting the vet in surgery and during routine visits, but in the morning would take care of the grooming
and learned a lot of things there that I didn't know I didn't know. It was exceptionally rewarding.
About a year later, I found out that my husband and I were expecting our 3rd child. It
was good and bad. Great to have another baby, bad because of a history of complicated and high risk pregnancies that
I would have to quit and stay home until the birth of our child. So, with many tears I had to leave the vet.
Almost a year after the birth of our daughter, I was very anxious to get back to working with
animals. But, now with 3 kids, it made just about any job not worth the daycare expenses - which was OK with me, because
I didn't want to leave them anyway! But, now I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I was equally driven
in two directions and neither of them seemed to be relenting. One I was desperately in love with my kids and didn't
want to miss a moment with them, or leave them with strangers and two - a very strong drive to DO something (didn't
I mention the work-a-holic thing?) and primarily I missed all the animals. So what else can you do in this situation?
PRAY! And I did, alot! I finally gave it over to Him and then He handed me this -Ableman's Home Pet Grooming.